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Waste Management Policy

(472 Views) April 9, 2023 7:05 am | Published by | No comment



Waste Management Policy

Garbage is something that is not used, not used, unpleasant or something that is thrown away that comes from human activities and does not happen by itself. The sources of waste include waste originating from settlements, waste originating from public places, waste originating from offices, waste originating from highways, waste originating from industry (industrial waste), waste originating from/plantations, Garbage originating from mining, waste originating from agriculture and fisheries. Therefore, management is needed to control it so that it does not have a negative impact on public health.

Various definitions related to garbage are materials which has no value or are worthless for ordinary purposes or main in the manufacture or use of damaged goods or defects in manufacturing or excess material or rejected or banished.

As we know, the policy has been written in Law Number 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management Article 1 number 1 to 5 which states that waste is the residue of daily human activities or natural processes. What is meant by specific waste is waste which due to its nature, concentration or volume requires special management.

Waste generators are people or the result of natural processes that produce waste. Meanwhile, according to the Indonesian dictionary, waste is goods or objects that are thrown away because they are no longer used and so on. Waste management is the collection, transportation, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials. Usually refers to waste material resulting from human activities, and is usually managed to reduce its impact on health, the environment, or beauty. Waste management is also carried out to restore natural resources. Waste management can involve solid, liquid, gas or radioactive substances with specific methods and expertise for each type of substance. With the existence of waste management, it is hoped that it will not become an outbreak of disease and damage the environment.

Some of the actions included in the waste management efforts include the 3R, namely recycling waste (recycle), reducing waste production (reduce), and reusing goods of decent quality (reuse).

The first is that we recycle Processing (recycling) waste into useful new goods or products. waste that is actually disposed of by humans, therefore we have to make 2 types of organic and non-organic trash cans. From this waste, as we all know, it is organic waste which can be recycled, so it makes it easier for us to recycle it. While organic waste we can make fertilizer from the waste so that there are benefits for us as well.

Organic waste is waste that is digested from biological materials that can be degraded by microbes or is biodegradable. Rubbish Channel Chatimas it. This can easily be broken down through natural processes. Household waste is mostly organic matter. This includes organic waste, for example kitchen waste, food scraps, packaging (other than paper, rubber and plastic), vegetable flour, fruit peels, leaves and twigs. In addition, traditional markets also contribute a lot of organic waste such as vegetable waste, fruit fruits and others.

Inorganic waste is waste generated from non-biological materials, both in the form of synthetic products and the results of technological processing of mining materials. Inorganic waste is divided into: metal waste and its processed products, plastic waste, paper waste, glass waste and ceramic detergent waste. Most of the inorganic cannot be decomposed by nature/microorganisms as a whole (non biodegradable). Meanwhile, some others can only be described in a long time. This type of waste at the household level includes plastic bottles, glass bottles, plastic bags and cans (Gelbert et al, 1996).

The second is to reduce Reducing everything that causes waste production, if we are unable to manage this waste, we must reduce waste production.
The third is to Reusing waste that can still be used for the same function or other functions goods whose quality is still decent, when the goods are still suitable for use then don’t throw them away,
From an ecological perspective, urban green open spaces are clean of garbage, neat and orderly to be part of the overall ecological system of urban areas, while from a social and economic aspect it is part of the spatial structure where humans work.

a. Impact on Health

Location and inadequate waste management (uncontrolled waste disposal) is a suitable place for some organisms and attracts various animals such as flies and dogs that can transmit disease. The potential health hazards that can arise are as follows:

Diarrhea, cholera, typhus spread quickly because viruses that come from waste that are not properly managed can mix with drinking water. Dengue fever can also increase rapidly in areas where waste management is inadequate
Fungsi diseases can also spread (eg skin fungus).
Diseases that can spread through the food chain. One example is a disease that is transmitted by tapeworms (taenia). These worms previously entered the livestock digestion through their food in the form of leftovers/garbage.

b. Impact on the Environment

Liquid seepage of waste that enters the drainage or river will contaminate the water. Various organisms including fish can die so that they will disappear, this results in changes to the biological aquatic ecosystem. Decomposition of waste that is thrown into the water will produce organic acids and liquid organic gases. Besides smelling unpleasant, this gas at high concentrations can explode




Waste Management Policy

Waste Management Policy

Waste Management Policy





Khatimah Dr. Husnul, Pengelolaan Sampah dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif ( di kawasan destinasi wisata pesisir pantai selatan Tulung agung ), Akademia Pustaka: Tulang Agung.

Yudiyanto, Yudistira Era, Lusi Tania Atika, 2019, Pengelolaan Sampah ( Pengabdian Pendampingan Metro ), Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro: Kota Metro

Yudiyanto, Analisis Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Permukiman di Kota
Bogor. [Tesis]. (Bogor: IPB Press. 2007).




Waste Management Policy

Penulis : Risma Dani




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